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What Can Happen If My Gum Disease Is Left Untreated?

Diagram of gum disease progression with text: “Untreated Gum Disease Risks - Periodontal Therapy in Rockville, MD.

Gum disease is very serious; nonetheless, many people still ignore the signs and put seeking treatment for it on the back burner. Oftentimes, gum disease shows warning signs that are hard to miss, such as inflammation, bleeding, or redness. Whenever these signs are discovered, it is important to get to a general dentist right away to undergo treatment. For effective management, consider Periodontal Therapy in Rockville, MD. Without treatment, one's oral health is put at severe risk.

Untreated Gum Disease Complications

Outlined below are a few things that can happen when gum disease goes untreated. When debating whether or not to get treatment, it can be helpful to review the following information.

Advanced stages of gum disease

If gum disease goes untreated, the infection can become worse, which can lead to serious problems with the gums, teeth, and even jaw. Advanced stages of gum disease are known as periodontitis. The consequences that can come from periodontitis are far more severe than the early stages of gum disease.


Another thing that can happen when gum disease goes untreated is that the gums can begin to recede. When the infection gets worse, the gums begin to pull back, which results in the teeth looking longer and the gums looking shorter. Receding gums can produce irreversible damage that may require oral surgery and gum contouring to fix. In some rare cases, receded gums are not fixable.

Tooth Loss

When gum disease becomes serious and does not get treated, the soft tissues become extremely weak, which can actually lead to tooth loss. When the soft tissues become weak, the support that they provide to the teeth also becomes weak. Support from the gums is necessary in order to keep the teeth held in place.

It is good to know that the gum disease has to be very severe in order for tooth loss to occur; however, it can happen. Because of this potential, it is necessary to get treatment as quickly as possible.

Jaw Deterioration

Just like with the teeth, the jaw can become affected when gum disease goes untreated. Many people do not realize the role the jaw plays in oral health. It is responsible for holding the soft tissues in place, as well as the teeth. When gum disease goes untreated, the infection spreads to not only the teeth but also the jaw. Once in the jaw, it can eat away at the bone structure and result in jaw deterioration. When the jaw begins to deteriorate, it can result in dysfunction and poor aesthetics, both of which require extensive treatment to fix.

Chronic Bad Breath and Gum Disease

Chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be more than just an unpleasant odor; it may signal an underlying issue such as gum disease. Gum disease, or periodontitis, occurs when bacteria in plaque infect the tissues surrounding your teeth. As the disease progresses, it can lead to persistent bad breath, often described as a foul or metallic smell.

This occurs because the bacteria responsible for gum disease release sulfur compounds, which contribute to the unpleasant odor. Additionally, the breakdown of gum tissues and the formation of pockets between the teeth and gums can exacerbate the problem, trapping food particles and bacteria that further contribute to bad breath.

Addressing chronic bad breath involves treating the root cause, which often means managing gum disease. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene, and professional cleanings are essential to control gum disease and, in turn, reduce bad breath. For comprehensive care, including managing bad breath related to gum disease, consider seeking Periodontal Therapy in Rockville, MD.

Find out more about Gum Disease

Gum disease is not something that should go ignored, which is why it is necessary to undergo a consultation with a general dentist if any signs are noticed. A consultation can determine what stage the gum disease is at, which will then dictate how the treatment process goes. Reach out today to learn more or to ask questions! We are here to help every step of the way.

Request an appointment here: or call Rockville Family Dental at (301) 575-0941 for an appointment in our Rockville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Gum Disease in Rockville, MD.

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Phone: (301) 231-0173




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